4.1 C
Thursday, March 13, 2025

Green Borough

79773.16824 GilbertsPrimarySchool main
A new primary school is helping keep the environment ??green??- through its ventilation. Lake Farm Primary School is one of four schools forming part of Hillingdon Borough??s £150m school expansion programme, to meet growing demand for primary school places in the area. The school is reflecting its green environment by inclusion of natural ventilation supplied by Gilberts of Blackpool. Gilberts?? ventilation meets the Council??s commitment to the DSCF sustainable school framework, and maximises use of the building design, being single storey one side rising to two storey. Strategically positioned Mistrale louvres along one façade draw in fresh air, using convection principles to draw the air through the building, and the stack effect to exhaust the warm, used air. Manual control in each classroom enables teachers to adjust airflow depending on the room??s use and pupil numbers to retain a comfortable ambient temperature and air quality. The natural ventilation works 24/7, continuously circulating air from outside into the building, thus delivering free night cooling and reducing any requirement for supplementary air conditioning or heating.


01253 766911




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