Bond Bryan is delighted that planning permission has been granted for the redevelopment of Aston Fire Station.
Bond Bryan worked closely with the Fire Service and consultants to develop a functionally robust, but aspirational, design proposal which meets the needs of the end-users?? experience of the building, whilst retaining the building??s heritage and providing a strong community focus.
The redevelopment comprises a new-build extension which better accommodates modern welfare facilities for the fire service ?? sympathetically connected to the existing Grade 2 listed building by a double-height glazed link and offering views of the Fire Service in operation.
The Eastern House will include a community library and reception area with the adjacent appliance bay and pole-drop being retained as a heritage asset with further community/heritage use on the upper floors. The existing office building, to the rear of the site, will be demolished to create a large training yard, car park and a new external heritage store.
Construction on site is planned to commence in June 2018 with a completion date of June 2019.