8.8 C
Sunday, September 15, 2024

Testing the water

Salamander Pumps has launched an engaging and informative website specifically to help consumers find out more about their water pressure. Salamander??s online behaviour research has clearly shown that poor water pressure is a hot consumer topic. Yet while consumers associate the symptoms, like a weak shower or a slow filling bath, with low pressure, they don??t know what to do about it or what causes it.

Salamander has used a specialist team of web designers, programmers and user interface experts to create a site that takes visitors logically through the causes of low or erratic water pressure and how to fix the problem based on whether they have a mains or tank fed plumbing system. With highly visual content, including animation, video and original graphics, the stimulating and easy to navigate site prompts the visitor to request more information or even a follow up call from a recommended plumber.


The key interactive element is an improvised water flow test that will indicate how many litres of water per minute are coming through the taps. The website is a major element of Salamander??s strategy to drive consumer demand and bring plumbers and householders closer together.

??0191 5163000 | www.waterpressureproblems.com




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